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Victionarium:Exemplum lemmatis alieni

E Victionario
Translatio huius paginae infecta est. Redde vel rescribe si possis.
'''verb'''|'''um, -ī''' ''{{n}}''
# nota | '''[[translatio]]''' ''(-onis, {{f}})'' || Definitio.



XX cum linguae nota rescribe, quae erit prima conveniens quarum sequuntur:

  • Linguae nota ISO 639-1 (e.g. en lingua Anglica)
  • Linguae nota ISO 639-3 (e.g. haw lingua Havaiana)
  • Linguae familiae nota ISO 639-2, interductus, et nomen linguae in forma ASCII (e.g. aus-darkinjung Darkinjung, or fiu-voro Võro)

PAGETITLE cum forma ‘titulari’ verbi rescribe. Plerumque hoc indicat primam litteram maiuscula scribere, e.c. pone 'Cat' loco 'cat'. (Exceptae sunt linguae quae non maiusculis utuntur; ubi maiuscula littera serius in verbo scribitur, ut in isiZulu; vel notae sicut pH.)

Haec linea etiam annotat lemma esse sua lingua scriptum, ut a regulis usuariis reformentur.

Replace XX with the language code. This will be the first applicable of the following:

  • the language's ISO 639-1 code (e.g. en English)
  • the language's ISO 639-3 code (e.g. haw Hawaiian)
  • the language's ISO 639-2 family code, a hyphen, and the asciified name of the language (e.g. aus-darkinjung Darkinjung, or fiu-voro Võro)

Replace PAGETITLE with the ‘title case’ form of the word. Usually this just means to capitalize the first letter, e.g. for 'cat' put 'Cat'. (Exceptions are: languages which don't use capitals; where the capitalization might come later in the word, e.g. isiZulu; or special signs such as pH.)

This line also marks the lemma as being in its language, so that it might be styled by user stylesheets.



Replace XX with the same code as in the previous line.

Replace SORTKEY with the sorting form of the word. This is usually very simple if the language has ordinary alphabetical order and no diacritics: Capitalize the first letter (even if the title case doesn't capitalize) and remove any spaces or punctuation. (Languages with accented characters or unusual alphabetical order may have special kludges applied to sort correctly in the category list. See the browse boxes at Categoria:Lingua Polonica or Categoria:Lingua Havaiana for examples.)

This line displays the language header and sorts the entry in the language's category.

If you are placing an image in the entry, it should go immediately below this line. Ex. Athena. (If there are many images, use a <gallery> tag immediately below the definitions; e.g. littera.)



Pronunciation. Use IPA following a set pronunciation key (a direct IPA-ization of SAMPA may be a good place to start; Appellatio Anglica Americae is an example of this). If an audio file is available, use Template:audio.



Alternative spellings. These may be valid ones (such as 'axe' for 'ax') or ones that are common but are not seen as valid (such as 'ax' for 'ask'). If you wish to say a spelling is somehow invalid be sure to cite a source saying so.

This heading also includes Romanizations.



Etymology. There are three possible parts to the etymology:

  • First, what the word's parts literally mean, e.g. 'window' is made up of parts literally meaning 'wind eye'. The literal meaning may or may not have ever been a meaning of the word itself.
  • Second, its ancestry; the history of words in other languages it is derived from. This is usually in a simple diagrammatical form:
    = Anglica Media foo
    = Anglica Antiqua bar
    ← Protogermanice *baz (Name, 1985)
The "=" means inherited from; the "←" means borrowed or derived from and is also used for protolanguages, which technically do not exist. Do not wikify reconstructed terms (but do cite the source you got them from). If several etymologies are proposed for a word, report as many as you can, and indicate who supports what.
  • Third, if there are any Latin cognates, or interesting cognates in the same language, list them as well.



Part of speech. Replace PARS_ORATIONIS with the part of speech. Parts of speech with templates are:

  • nomen (noun or adjective generally)
  • substantivum (i.e. [nomen] substantivum; noun)
  • adiectivum (i.e. [nomen] adjectivum; adjective)
  • proprium (i.e. nomen proprium; proper noun)
  • verbum (i.e. verbum [temporale]; verb generally)
  • intransitivum (i.e. verbum intransitivum; intransitive verb: takes no object)
  • transitivum (i.e. verbum transitivum; transitive verb: takes an object)
  • deponens (deponent verb: only exists in passive)
  • participium (verbal noun, aka participle)
  • pronomen (pronoun)
  • praepositio (preposition)
  • adverbium (adverb)
  • coniunctio (i.e. conjunctio; conjunction)
  • interiectio (i.e. interjectio; interjection)
  • articulus (article)

If another choice is needed it will need to be typed in without braces.

'''verb'''|'''um, -ī''' ''n''


The "inflection line". Here the headword is given, along with principal parts or the inflections, in bold. The pipe shows the separation point to mark off an inflectional ending, and is optional. (If a word has four or more inflected forms, put them in the declension/conjugation section below, e.g. centésimo; if there are more than four principal parts, see about making an infobox to display them in an organized way, e.g. φέρω.)

If the language customarily uses a special orthography for dictionary headwords (e.g. using vowel pointing, or diacritical marks) it would go here.

The gender (of nouns) or case governed (for prepositions) goes here as well, and if a noun is plurale tantum, or singulare tantum due to being abstractum (abstract, like "stubbornness") or materiale (material, like "dust") that is noted as well. (If it only applies to individual senses, see below.) This additional information should be in italics, and if there is more than one piece of information, they should be in parentheses and separated by semicolons.

# nota | '''[[translatio]]''' ''(-onis, {{f}})'' || Definitio.


Definitions. A numbered list.

'nota' is any note about the word, such as that the word in this sense is usually capitalized; the symbol for this is the word's initial followed by a tilde, all in bold: L~). It might be a semantic field, such as chem.. It might be the † indicating the sense is obsolete. If there is no note, put nothing there and remove the separating | as well. Also if there is no 'translatio' remove the separating |.

The bold 'translatio' with principal parts afterwards, italicized and in parentheses, is used if there is a simple Latin equivalent recommended for this sense of the word. If the word has a complex translation in Latin, or none at all, put nothing there and remove the || as well.

The 'definitio' is the actual definition. If there is a 'translatio' it is acceptable to leave the definition out, but it is better to include one; if you leave the definition out, leave the separating || in as a reminder elaboration is suggested. Write in sentence style, beginning with a capital and ending with a period.

There may be multiple 'definitio'nes that correspond to one 'translatio' (i.e., the Latin equivalent can be used for several senses of the word). The format for that is:

  1. translatio (-onis, fem.) ||
    1. A sense of the word the Latin is equivalent to.
    2. A sense of the word the Latin is equivalent to.
    3. A sense of the word the Latin is equivalent to.

Note that it may be possible to put an overarching definition covering all the subsenses on the same line as the 'translatio' equivalent.

Of course it is possible to use subsenses for organization's sake even if there is no Latin equivalent; an example is at eye.

==={{declinatio}} aut {{coniugatio}}===


Declension or conjugation. Choose only one. Hint: nouns and adjectives are declined, while verbs are conjugated. You can build a table by hand, but this may not be necessary; many already exist, and should be listed at the language's Victionarium page.

The {{vicipaedia}} template (or link to other relevant project) goes immediately below (or above) this line, to help fill in the blank space the declension template usually leaves. If this section is not used, or if there is no room for the template, put a plain text link in the 'see also' section below.



Usage notes. This is a pretty much free-form section and may cover everything from how the verb construes grammatically to notes on whether the word is seen as grammatically incorrect, politically incorrect, or whatever—preferably citing sources.



Associated terms. Words which have some kind of relationship to this one (excepting words derived from it, which are placed in the next section). Examples are synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms ("X is a kind of ..."), hyponyms ("... are kinds of X"), holonyms ("X is a part of..."), meronyms ("... are parts of X"), etc. A common example is the sets of related terms such as days of the week, months of the year, chemical elements, etc., which may be held together by infoboxes (e.g. februari). Some older pages have these infoboxes in the upper-right corner; this is probably less desirable.



Derived terms. May include multi-word terms, collocations, or phrases. Since all words in all languages are to be included, don't get carried away here: just link directly derived terms (e.g. gather -> gathering) not extended derivations (la. scio -> en. nice) or cognates (gather -> togetherness).



Quotations. The meat of a good dictionary. Here are gathered examples of the word in use for several reasons:

  1. To show the word exists (for Dictiones includendae)
  2. to show the word was in use at a certain time or by a certain author
  3. to exemplify a spelling used
  4. to exemplify the definitions are in touch with reality (though preferably the definitions are built from the quotations)
  5. to exemplify the grammatical properties of the word,
  6. to exemplify phonetic properties of the word (e.g. in poetry; v. vigil)
  7. or to fulfill any other special interest (e.g. if a famous quote exists).

If a quotation is an appearance in a dictionary, gloss, or other type of wordlist, it should be marked by the sign ‡. Such examples have their uses but are less valid than actual use in Dictiones includendae.



'See also'. This should only constitute things like external links, references, etc.; related words probably belong under collatae above. A link to Wikipedia, Wikispecies, Commons, whatever, goes here if there is no room for the {{vicipaedia}} etc. template beside the declension/conjugation table.