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Auxilium:Thesaurus Anglicus/Relatio
- relation, bearing, reference, connection, concern, cognation; correlation; analogy; similarity; affinity, homology, alliance, homogeneity, association; approximation; filiation; interest; relevancy; dependency, relationship, relative position.
- comparison; ratio, proportion.
- link, tie, bond of union.
- be related &c adj.; have a relation &c n.; relate to, refer to; bear upon, regard, concern, touch, affect, have to do with; pertain to, belong to, appertain to; answer to; interest.
- bring into relation with, bring to bear upon; connect, associate, draw a parallel; link.
- relative; correlative &c 12; cognate; relating to &c v.; relative to, in relation with, † referable or referrible to; belonging to &c v.; appurtenant to, in common with.
- related, connected; implicated, associated, affiliated, allied to; en rapport, in touch with.
- † approximative, approximating; proportional, proportionate, proportionable; allusive, comparable.
- in the same category; like; relevant; applicable, † equiparant.
- relatively &c adj.; pertinently.
- thereof; as to, as for, as respects, as regards; about; concerning &c v.; anent; relating to, as relates to; with relation, with reference to, with respect to, with regard to; in respect of; while speaking of, a propos of; in connection with; by the way, by the by; whereas; for as much as, in as much as; in point of, as far as; on the part of, on the score of; quoad hoc; pro re nata; under the head of, of; in the matter of, in re.