Victionarium:Petitio magistratus/YaganZ
YaganZ (disputatio • conlationes)
[+/-]Created 31 May 2016 and set to conclude at 7 June 2016
I nominate the user YaganZ, because of his establishment in the field of programming, has experience with JavaScript, CSS and HTML and the fact he is the only one here who speaks fluent Latin. I think it might be a great benefit to have him here and really looking forward to work with him.
- Responsum USORis
- Hey, "speaking fluently Latin" is mildly exaggerated. I've got five years Latin education on an European high school "when I was young".
- A few months ago I noticed that Victionarium was practically orphaned, and I decided to refresh my knowledge of the Latin language. More and more the focus of my wiki activities was moving from the German wiktionary to this project with the intention to keep it alive. It was real fun to see my knowledge come back while improving the content of Victionarium.
- With Denis (who nominated me) I met an engaged contributor who convinced me to candidate for administrator.
- Victionarium lacks an active administrator and for further improvement of this project it's essential to make changes that require administrator right. --YaganZ (disputatio) 16:04, 2 Iunii 2016 (UTC)
Id probo -- DenisWasRight (disputatio) 10:21, 31 Maii 2016 (UTC)
Id probo -- Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 11:00, 31 Maii 2016 (UTC)
Id probo -- I'm more active at Vicipaedia than here, but there is a need for active administrators here. I'm in favor for a trial period (3–6 months), and let's see how it works out from there. StevenJ81 (disputatio) 20:14, 31 Maii 2016 (UTC)
Id probo Samtar (disputatio) 15:38, 1 Iunii 2016 (UTC)
- Done from Meta-Wiki for 4 months. Ajraddatz (disputatio) 21:38, 7 Iunii 2016 (UTC)