Victionarium:Petitio magistratus/Samtar
Samtar (disputatio • conlationes)
[+/-]Created 1 June 2016 and set to conclude at 8 June 2016
I nominate myself for adminship here at la.wiktionary as I am a technical contributor to the Mediawiki software, have experience with the tools from the test wiki and have been a longstanding member of en.wp (user page). I'd really like to see this project grow, and would like to help with the admin shortage. Additionally, I am a member of OTRS Volunteer Response Team - Samtar (disputatio) 15:51, 1 Iunii 2016 (UTC)
- Responsum USORis
Id probo - Welcome Sam! I think we really need some advice and technical help from you as an user with profound knowledge of the Mediawiki software. -- YaganZ (disputatio) 16:19, 1 Iunii 2016 (UTC).
Id probo - I agree! -- DenisWasRight (disputatio) 16:31, 1 Iunii 2016 (UTC)
Id probo – Thank you for handling your self-nomination very responsibly. StevenJ81 (disputatio) 22:51, 2 Iunii 2016 (UTC)
Notanda: Granted for 3 months starting today. MF-W 16:10, 10 June 2016 (UTC). (copied from Meta by StevenJ81 (disputatio))
- Congratulations and good luck. If I can be of any assistance, please feel free to reach out (usually at ladwiki or Meta, not so much here). StevenJ81 (disputatio) 17:29, 10 Iunii 2016 (UTC)